If you’ve been asking yourself, “Is love all about sex?” or “Does love have to be sex?” then you are not alone. Many people throughout history have argued these two questions.

Sex is undoubtedly an essential component of relationships. It allows for the beginning of real intimacy. However, I don’t think that it’s more important than love. And I think people often confuse love and sex.

But let’s put the love vs. sex question in a different framework. When two people enter into a relationship, they are often attracted to each other based on several things. They may be tempted by each other’s personalities, physical looks, interests, and so on. In most cases, the physical attraction fades as the relationship develops and the partners get to know each other better. It is during this stage where the real interest starts.

When two people enter into a romantic relationship, they often base their emotional bond on those qualities that they find attractive in each other. This includes physical looks, personality, interests, and so on. As the relationship developed, the physical attraction fades and is replaced by an emotional appeal. The two people enter into a profoundly intimate connection.

When they engage in intimate acts, the love they had for each other before getting together develops into deeper intimacy. At this point, they are in the realm of love & sex. Is love all about sex?

Well, I say no. Infidelity has demonstrated that sex can and does take a back seat in a relationship. A recent report indicated that 60% of relationships have some sexual interaction that happens later than the introduction of intimacy. So, is love all about sex? Well, let’s look at this another way.

Sex is an expression of intimacy. When two people enter into a romantic relationship, they are often very emotionally connected. They have dreams, desires, and expectations for each other. Once intimacy develops, it becomes the basis of that relationship. Love is a more natural and regular expression of intimacy.

In my opinion, sex & love should never be at odds with one another. Love is always and inherently relational. People have been making jokes for centuries about how married couples should have great sex, and yet they don’t. Does love & sex ever need to come at the expense of the other? If two people are in love, then they will work it out.

People can be friends with one another without intimacy. This is true for most families where there isn’t a lot of sex or intimacy involved. However, when children are interested and have to raise them, the lack of it in your home will lead to the emotional distance between you and your child, resulting in the problems they experience. Children need their parents to spend time with them. Lack of intimacy will cause children to start to withdraw from you and the people they love.

If you wonder how to survive in a relationship where love is not there, you will have to start asking questions about what love is. Is love all about sex? Is sex all about intimacy? Is sex all about selfish satisfaction? Can you love someone outside of the intimacy that you have with them?

Love is not always about sex. Not every relationship is built on romance and intimacy. There are couples where the sex is excellent, but it’s not the relationship’s driving force. These relationships may have come about because the person was drawn to the other person. However, if love is the driving force, then sex is secondary to it. Without intimacy and romance, then your relationship is not genuinely based on love & sex.

You can have love & sex, but you have to have true intimacy first. If you have real intimacy, then sex will come naturally. Another person can’t replace the intimacy that comes from being with a person you adore. It has to come from the heart. Then, you will find that true love is all about sex.

Is love all about sex? In a relationship, it can be. But, in a dating relationship, it really shouldn’t be. It should be the other way around. Real intimacy and true love should lead to a happy and fulfilled life. If you want to find true happiness, make sure that you have a fulfilling & loving relationship first.
