When we are young, we don’t think much about love. It is usually just one of the things we do or the way we feel, but there is a reason for it. If you asked a young person today if they thought about love, they would probably reply “no.” Most people seem to believe that love is something that happens to us and doesn’t have any real significance. If you ask someone who has been in a severe relationship what it means to them, they will tell you it is one of the essential things in their lives.

So why do I keep thinking about love? My love for my wife grew tremendously over the years. It wasn’t just love for her beauty, intellect, or sense of humor; it was also a deep appreciation for her kindness and acceptance. Our marriage wasn’t like other relationships where one partner was the hothead, and the other was the quiet kind. At our wedding, we made each other happy despite ourselves because we were really and truly in love with each other.

When I think about love, I think about all of the people I love and know in life. I think about lovers, friends, co-workers, and, yes, even family. All of these people have given me reasons to be happy. Sometimes I think about what I want to accomplish in life and how I could have made that happen if I had more love.

What does it mean when you think about love? What is the reason behind it? Does it have any real meaning to you? Why do I keep thinking about love? What can I do to make my love last?

I don’t think much about love anymore. I don’t think about anything except work most of the time. When I think about love, it’s only to remind myself of what I need to get done. My love life has become non-existent. The only reason I have for thinking about love is to motivate myself to get things done and help others. If I can inspire others to be positive, it means that I’m doing my part.

To some people, they don’t know why they feel or think like this. It may be because they were too young to realize how important love is. Maybe they were raised in a home where love was not such a big deal. Whatever the reason is for their lack of knowledge, I have something to share with you.
I believe that our emotions are part of our reasoning minds. I think that love makes us do great things. Love makes us push ourselves to become more of what we are capable of becoming, and it also makes us willing to let go of our fears and constraints. I believe that without love, all of our reasons for making choices and actions would cease to exist.

What would the world be like if no one gave a damn about anything anymore? How many people would be out there doing what they hate doing? All of our reasons for making choices and actions would be a random string of random factors that never tie together. Without emotions, logic, and reasoning, how could anyone possibly learn anything? So, I ask myself, “Why do I keep thinking about love? Why don’t I just stop thinking about it?”

You could try to reason with yourself that your thoughts create your reality. If you think about something long enough, it becomes your reality. That means that if you consistently think about your fear of flying, you will grow afraid of flying until you can not fly at all anymore. Your mind creates your reality, and you cannot change it. It’s that simple.

If you think about love as a reason and not as a result of it, you will come to a similar conclusion as I did. It is a reason, but it is not a result. Therefore, I do not think about love as a reason to do something. I do not think about anything except the effects that it will produce. I think about loving myself, loving my family, loving my friends, and above all, loving God – Who am I serving with my thoughts here?

Does this make sense? If it does, I encourage you to continue studying the Bible. God wants you to learn His Word daily. There is a reason for that, and that reason is that God wants you to walk with Him (which is why you are reading His Word), be in union with Him, and know Him. I pray that you will find the strength, courage, and knowledge to walk in the peace and goodwill of the Holy Spirit.
