By Rebecca Brody, Certified Empowerment Coach


“My boyfriend and I have been living with each other for 2 years. For several months I had a medical problem and I didn’t have any desire to have sex. Now that I’m well, I have my sex drive back, but every time I try to initiate sex, he stops it. I’m feeling lonely and undersexed, and I’ve noticed other guys hitting on me. Is it ever okay to cheat?”

Answer of the expert

When you have chosen to be in a committed relationship it is never okay to cheat. Cheating is not only disrespectful and hurtful, but also dangerous. You could contract an STD, and do irreparable damage to yourself and your relationship. It sounds like your relationship is not fulfilling your needs, but before you make the decision to end it, I suggest you have a very frank discussion with your partner and get to the heart of what the real issues are. This is your opportunity to step up and grow by being an adult. Choose to work through the tough times in your relationship with your partner, and if you feel you can’t work it out on your own, seek coaching or counseling. If you are truly committed to your relationship now is the time to show it.
