A Blog About Love & Relationships

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Luv Issues

Love Issues to Discuss

When someone has a love or relationship issue that they want to work on, it can be straightforward to sit in silence simply. However, this is not a good idea. Love Issues need to be discussed openly and honestly so that the two of you can work through them and get back together. Below we …

Luv Issues Luv Q&A

How do I tell him that my ex works there? Luv Q&A

The question of the week. “My new boyfriend is planning to get a job at a place where my old boyfriend works. How do I tell him that my ex works there, and should I ask him not to work there? I want to support his decision to take the job, but I’m afraid of …

Luv Issues Luv Q&A

Man doesn’t want to commit – Luv Q&A

For this blog post, we got two real – and somewhat common – love matters regarding commitment. Both questions were answered by a love coach, whose name will be secret. Luv Question: “I have been dating my boyfriend for four years, and we’ve talked about marriage. We both agree that we want to be with …