A Blog About Love & Relationships

Showing: 1 - 10 of 10 RESULTS
Luv Q&A

What do you like or love about your partner? Love Q&A

This is one of the most challenging questions to answer for many people. People value so many things in their relationships that they can easily fall into a rut and not even recognize what they truly appreciate or have a strong affection for in their partners. The key is to discover what you like about …

Luv & Sex Luv Q&A

If I have anal sex, am I still a virgin? A coach answering

In this Luv Q&A our expert coach Rebecca answer a quite common question when it comes to virginity. Question If I have anal sex, am I still a virgin? Expert coach answer There are many different definitions for virginity; therefore it is your choice to believe what ever you choose when it comes to your …

Luv Q&A

Love Questions and Answers: Can You Find Them by Yourself?

Did you know that Love Questions and Answers are a website that is dedicated to loving relationships? It is a database of all the common questions people ask about love, relationships, marriage, and dating. The website is updated regularly and has an extensive database to find answers to questions you may have. You can even …

Cheating Luv Q&A

Can I Cheat? – Luv Q&A

By Rebecca Brody, Certified Empowerment Coach Question.. “My boyfriend and I have been living with each other for 2 years. For several months I had a medical problem and I didn’t have any desire to have sex. Now that I’m well, I have my sex drive back, but every time I try to initiate sex, he …

Cheating Luv Q&A

Forgiving a Cheater? – Luv Q&A

By Rebecca Brody, Certified Empowerment Coach This week, relationship expert Rebecca answers a very common topic. 🙂 “I need your advice. I am married and have been for 5 years now. My husband cheated on me one year and two months into our marriage. I said that I forgave him, but truly and deeply inside, I …

Luv Issues Luv Q&A

How do I tell him that my ex works there? Luv Q&A

The question of the week. “My new boyfriend is planning to get a job at a place where my old boyfriend works. How do I tell him that my ex works there, and should I ask him not to work there? I want to support his decision to take the job, but I’m afraid of …

Insecurities Luv Q&A

Feel like I’ve forgotten how to flirt – Luv Q&A

Our question of the week, is about a girl…with flirting issues. I am newly single and ready to get back in the dating scene, but I feel like I’ve forgotten how to flirt. I went out with some girlfriends the other night and proceeded to stare down this guy for five minutes straight. He began …

Luv Issues Luv Q&A

Man doesn’t want to commit – Luv Q&A

For this blog post, we got two real – and somewhat common – love matters regarding commitment. Both questions were answered by a love coach, whose name will be secret. Luv Question: “I have been dating my boyfriend for four years, and we’ve talked about marriage. We both agree that we want to be with …