A Blog About Love & Relationships

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Luv & Sex

The Mystery of Love & Sex

The Mystery of Love & Sex by Kayla Tanchar is a fascinating, hilarious novel that takes a second look at the enduring mystery of love and sex for a contemporary America audience. Set in a small rural community in the south, this book tells the story of two high school friends who are very different. …

Luv & Sex Luv Q&A

If I have anal sex, am I still a virgin? A coach answering

In this Luv Q&A our expert coach Rebecca answer a quite common question when it comes to virginity. Question If I have anal sex, am I still a virgin? Expert coach answer There are many different definitions for virginity; therefore it is your choice to believe what ever you choose when it comes to your …

Luv & Sex

Why sex and love don’t belong in the same bed

Do love and sex belong in the same bed? If you are a married couple, then the answer is no. People from all walks of life have different opinions about this issue, but the truth is that love and sex belong in the private, personal space of your bedroom. The dictionary defines love as an …

Luv & Sex

Is love all about sex?

If you’ve been asking yourself, “Is love all about sex?” or “Does love have to be sex?” then you are not alone. Many people throughout history have argued these two questions. Sex is undoubtedly an essential component of relationships. It allows for the beginning of real intimacy. However, I don’t think that it’s more important …