Our question of the week, is about a girl…with flirting issues.

I am newly single and ready to get back in the dating scene, but I feel like I’ve forgotten how to flirt. I went out with some girlfriends the other night and proceeded to stare down this guy for five minutes straight. He began squirming and sinking lower into his seat. Eventually he got up and left. Help!

Answer: “The art of flirting takes many forms, and the glance is a wonderful method of communication. Eyeballing someone with a death stare is overpowering and intimidating. In order to create a desirable flirtatious eye dance, first you want to glance at the intended person. You want to get their attention, and once you have it give a slight smile that says I acknowledge your presence and then turn your attention back to your friends. Wait a moment and then glance again. Once you make eye contact, try giving a warm or coy smile and then turn your attention once more to your friends. This is known as baiting, and it gives you the opportunity to read the other person and their response to your warm and open invitation. Lastly, you want to make eye contact and hold it for a longer time, to confirm that you are both interested. If he holds eye contact with you, give him a big welcoming smile. You can now proceed to move forward and introduce yourself or wait for him to come to you.”
