Many people are looking for ways to find out how you can tell if your partner has cheated. One of the most common questions is, “Can you really tell if he has cheated?” The answer to that is yes, you can! But it would help if you are looking for sure signs and actions. This article will reveal some of the significant infidelity signs, which you can use to determine whether or not your partner has cheated on you.

Phone Changes: If your partner suddenly starts making extra calls to a cell phone that is not yours, then this is a severe sign. Cheating partners are always looking to reconnect and reestablish connections with their partners. The cell phone is often the way they do this. So if they are dialing a number that doesn’t belong to them – the chances are good that they are cheating.

Calls: If you notice that your partner is calling other numbers during unusual hours, such as odd hours of the night, this is another way to determine whether he is cheating. Why would he be calling at all hours of the night? Have his cell phone usage changed significantly? Is he no longer using the phone as much as he used to? If so, then this is a sign of a cheating spouse. However, if he is calling late at night in the future and your children are with him, then this could mean that he had to pick up your kids from school.

Text Messages: You see, some cheaters will send messages to their partners through their cell phones. This can be confusing because not all messages sent from a cell phone are considered cheating. However, if the texts seem threatening, abusive, or vulgar, there is cause for concern. If your partner has a habit of sending messages like these to someone without you even knowing about it, then you might have a problem on your hands.

Photos: Do you know where he took the photos of you and your kids? Many cheaters will create a new Facebook account in your name and set it up as if it’s their very own. They will also change the account’s privacy settings to make it look like it was taken on their camera. However, if you find out one of them is taking pictures of you and your kids in these places, this can be considered cheating. If your partner is not careful with the photos that he is creating online, you might catch him red-handed.

How can you tell if your partner has cheated? There are many more signs that you can use to get the answers to these questions. If you want to find out how you can tell if your partner has cheated, you should learn more about online relationships. There is no need for you to stay in the dark any longer.
