The question of the week.

My new boyfriend is planning to get a job at a place where my old boyfriend works. How do I tell him that my ex works there, and should I ask him not to work there? I want to support his decision to take the job, but I’m afraid of what might happen when they meet”

Although this is an uncomfortable situation to be in, you cannot ask your boyfriend to sacrifice his means of living. Be honest with your boyfriend, so that he can prepare himself for the situation ahead. You want to send the message that you have successfully moved on from your last relationship, and that your commitment to your current relationship is what is most important to you now. You can ask your boyfriend to keep his interaction with your ex professional, but in the end it is up to him to decide their working relationship. Let your boyfriend know that you trust him to do what is best for both you and him, and that your relationship with each other is all that really matters.
