“How my love story started is like a serenity dawning on me, at the time when I found my life partner.” This is how My Love Story Started by Kevin Dunn starts. In the first few lines, we get a glimpse of what is happening in Dunn’s world. We know that he has found the woman he desires, but there is some doubt about how this discovery has changed his life. His innermost workings are a mystery to him, and some doubts cloud his judgment.

It is this uncertainty that makes us want to get to the heart of how this all began. We want to know what brought these two people together, what motivated them to do what they did, and why their love has lasted so long. We also want to believe that they have changed, that the good times are over, and that their future holds no happiness for either of them.

So what happens next? Well, a couple of paragraphs later, we are introduced to their children. Their daughter has been studying abroad, and they need to leave her in safe hands. Kevin decides that this is the perfect opportunity to give them a peek at how my love story started and their own story to follow.

After all of this information has been revealed, the book ends with an epilogue. That is, it presents the author’s philosophy on how to keep the love you have alive. The message is simple: don’t let life take the happiness you once had.

There is no point in dwelling on what could be better or what could have been done differently. You must realize that your love story started with you and a man named Kevin Dunn. If you are going through a similar experience and think you might have failed, I hope you will consider giving My Love Story Started a try.

This story made a difference in my life and the lives of the people around me. Even if it seems like fiction, it is based on fact: many people have found their love story ended tragically, only to find that life has taken another course. What is important is that you accept that it could happen to you and that it can be avoided.
