A Blog About Love & Relationships


Reasons Why Married People Cheat

There are many reasons why people cheat. Infidelity is one of them. For a lot of people, having an affair is part of every relationship. It brings excitement and mystery to the relationship. However, cheating can also lead to disaster for a marriage. The questions that most people have in their minds are: How do …

An heartbroken letter

How do you write a Broken Heart Letter?

This question is on many people’s minds after losing someone they loved. This is one of the hardest things to do when we have lost someone we loved. This can be the first time you write a letter, and you are getting ready to write it out. This is probably one of the most challenging …

A better relationship

How to build a healthy romantic relationship

The question that is hovering in the mind of many singles as they get ready to try their hand at romance. How to build a healthy romantic relationship means having the courage to truly believe in your relationship and being able to trust your partner in all areas of your life. It also means building …

Thinking about Love

Why Do I Keep Thinking About Love?

When we are young, we don’t think much about love. It is usually just one of the things we do or the way we feel, but there is a reason for it. If you asked a young person today if they thought about love, they would probably reply “no.” Most people seem to believe that …

My love story

What is Your Love Story?

When I was younger, my love story with my boyfriend seemed relatively simple. We were a happy family, went on vacations, and said he wanted a divorce after a while. It didn’t occur to me then, but now I wonder if maybe I should have listened more closely to what he said. Because it certainly …

Luv Q&A

Love Questions and Answers: Can You Find Them by Yourself?

Did you know that Love Questions and Answers are a website that is dedicated to loving relationships? It is a database of all the common questions people ask about love, relationships, marriage, and dating. The website is updated regularly and has an extensive database to find answers to questions you may have. You can even …

Luv & Sex

Is love all about sex?

If you’ve been asking yourself, “Is love all about sex?” or “Does love have to be sex?” then you are not alone. Many people throughout history have argued these two questions. Sex is undoubtedly an essential component of relationships. It allows for the beginning of real intimacy. However, I don’t think that it’s more important …

Letters to ourselves

How to Write a Letter to Yourself

In writing letters to ourselves, we need to remember to be true to who we are and make the most of what we’re blessed with. So how do we go about this? The key is to be true to ourselves. We should always bear in mind that it’s better not to have too many things …