How do you feel when you ask yourself, “Why am I so insecure in my relationship?” Sometimes, this question can bring up many negative emotions like insecurity, fear, anger, and sadness. Feelings of betrayal, lack of respect, and even confusion may also arise. The best way to get out of this rut is to understand the root cause of your problem.

When you are in a relationship, your feelings are supposed to be reciprocated with respect and affection. If you feel that your partner does not treat you with respect or does not show affection when you need it, this sends out a message across the relationship. You are the one who has feelings, and your partner should reciprocate them with similar feelings. However, sometimes things don’t go the way you expect them to. This may be due to several reasons; for example, you may be having some personal crisis, you may have an illness, or maybe your partner has had an unfortunate death in the family.

The problem with why I am so insecure in my relationship is not just affection and attention but also the feeling that I am being treated as if I am not important. Sometimes this happens when your partner discovers a flaw in your personality. You feel like you are being rejected when you tell your partner about your flaws. Indeed, your partner will not always find your faults, but this does not mean that they should not be worried about them.
You will never feel comfortable in your relationship if your partner feels insecure about you. This will result in low self-esteem, which in turn results in low intimacy levels in the relationship. Low intimacy levels will make you feel that you cannot do anything right and worthless. Low self-esteem will prevent you from doing what it takes to build a healthy relationship, which means that you will never get to the place where you feel confident enough to try something new.

If you feel that you are insecure, then you need to do something about it. The best way to do this is to change your attitude towards yourself. If you think that you are worthless, then you should begin to change your attitude towards yourself. Try to feel good about yourself and do not look down on the people who mistreat you. This will help you feel better about yourself, and this will eventually rub off on your partner, and they too will begin to see the errors in their behavior.

To sum it up, if you feel insecure in your relationship, it might be a good idea to seek professional help. There are many people available online who can give you the advice that you need in your relationship. If you find that you cannot seek out these people online, you can always go to the nearest social worker or counselor. You should know why you are insecure in your relationship and then try to work out any problems you have with your partner. Remember that the people who love you most on earth understand your situation more than anyone else. Do not ignore their advice because ignoring them will only cause the problems to multiply.
