Many questions surround the question of why people cheat. The truth is, the reasons vary from person to person, as they are different from one situation to another. Some cheaters may have gone through a difficult period in their relationships, possibly suffering from infidelity or a loss of a spouse or partner. Other cheaters may simply be drawn by excitement or the thrill of adventure.

Men and women can both fall victim to infidelity. Men are more likely than women to be the ones who initiate the action, but either way, men and women will experience some degree of infidelity at one time or another in their lives. For some people, though, infidelity goes beyond just being friends. While it is very possible to live a double life with only a few friends, this is also a very risky proposition. Some reasons for people cheating can be related to a physical, emotional or sexual lack of attention from their significant other or spouse.

Lack of self-esteem can also be a reason for a person to look outside their relationship for excitement. For example, if you are feeling less than confident in your relationship, there are many people who will exploit this weakness. They will try to take your money or your partner away from you. If you feel like you are walking on eggshells all the time with someone you barely know, you might feel the need to find someone who will appreciate you for who you really are. When you cheat on your significant other, you destroy your self-esteem and in many cases, your life, too. Cheaters often do this because they are unhappy in their current relationship.

Another common reason why people cheat is because they lack closeness with those they care about. If you are the type of person who has a difficult time putting your needs and feelings on the table, it can be hard to rebuild trust in a relationship. You may feel that you cannot talk about problems in the relationship without your partner criticizing you in turn. It is common in a cheating relationship for the cheater to discuss their own problems. However, they usually do not bring up the issues that they believe are hurting the relationship.

Many times, a partner who is the victim of a cheating partner will question their own motives. Why would someone want to cheat on a relationship that they once felt was so strong? One reason why people cheat is to escape from feeling pain that is felt inside their heart. Cheating partners do this because they are carrying around a lot of negative energy and by releasing this energy through another person’s body, they can start to feel better.

The feelings of anger, resent, jealousy or shame that people experience after a cheating episode can be overwhelming and are often hard to recover from. Even though it is painful to think about having an affair, one must consider all of the pros and cons of doing so before taking action. Remember that infidelity is usually a sign of health and emotional issues that can be corrected through counseling. It is also important to think carefully about whether your new lover really fits into the role of “you” that you have been looking for. Think carefully about whether you will be able to grow and nurture a new romance while maintaining your current relationship with your partner.
